Black Fri deals & duds, £3 shoes, unpleasant issues, £17/mth broadband, double Nectar points, 30mths' 0% debt shift

DON'T believe the fake 'Martin Lewis' or 'MSE' ads |
Black Friday broadband deals stack up for once
- Are you one of seven million out of contract? You're free to ditch & switch, it's easy. If you've been with your firm for years, you're likely out of contract, paying double what you could. The new firm does the switch for you, you have 2hrs of downtime max, and no engineer comes (barring some switches to/from Virgin - you're told before applying).
Watch the Chancellor's Autumn Statement with Martin & MSE (12.30pm-ish Wed). Follow Martin's live Twitter explanation & analysis and then hit MSE News as we explain in detail what it means for you.
Shift credit card debt to 29mths 0%. A balance transfer's where you get a new card that pays off the debt on existing cards for you, so you owe it at 0%. Barclaycard's up to 29mths 0% (3.45% fee), though if you can repay quickly there are lower-fee cards, including NatWest's 14mth 0% NO-FEE (links via our eligibility calc). Full options in Top balance transfers. Golden rules: Repay at least the monthly minimum & clear the card before the 0% ends or they jump to 24.9% rep APR. Cheapest EVER 100GB mobile Sim, just '£6.25/mth'. This iD Mobile Sim (uses Three's signal) is £5/mth for the first 3mths, then £10/mth, but you can CLAIM a £30 Amazon or Currys voucher within 3mths. Factor that in and it's equivalent to £6.25/mth over the 12mth contract. Want different data / network? Use Cheap Mobile Finder. Spend a fiver, get £28 cashback. MSE Blagged. Quidco's upped its newbies offer. Quidco newbie cash Martin video: 'Time to ban unnecessary Christmas presents? The best gift may be not buying anyone anything.' Watch Martin's make a no unnecessary gift pact film. The Martin Lewis Money Show Live - tonight (Tue) 8pm, ITV1. An unpleasant but important watch. Over to Martin: "I'm on a mission - as you'll see from the top of this email - to get people talking about unpleasant issues, so my show focus is wills, Power of Attorney, financial factsheets, dementia finance and more, and I'm joined by a team of specialists to help answer your questions. Plus of course the latest News You Can Use (if you miss it, catch up later via ITVX series 13 ep 4)." |
Have you tried the MoneySavingExpert App yet? It's MSE but appier... Track your bills, MoneySaving alerts, AI-powered chatbots and more only on the app...
1. Everything that is on MSE is on the app. That's rule number one. We didn't want to cut content or detail just to fit the format, so if you can do it on the main site, you can do it in the app. 2. Get this email first. It takes time for us to send to the nearly 10m recipients of this email. If you've the app, we can send you a notification as soon as it's live, so you can read it straightaway, which is useful for short-lived deals. 3. New. If you want, we can track your bills, alert you when contracts are ending, and help you with what to do. We've put the first sectors, mobile & broadband, in our new Bill Buster tool - you'll find it in the MyMSE section. With it, we'll alert you when your contracts are ending and let you know about which deals to look at. And this is just the start - we're working on adding lots more, so hopefully soon we'll be able to manage all your bills for you (if you want us to). 4. The app knows you, so you don't start afresh each time. Register and you can save articles to read later, and see your search history in our onsite search bar - handy if you want to revisit a topic you've previously looked up. Get easy access to our tools, calcs and widgets - often without re-entering details - such as the Cheap Broadband Finder and the Credit Card Eligibility Calc. We're working towards just one login for all our tools.
6. Opt for bespoke MoneySaving alerts, as well as this email. It's early days, but we're experimenting with a feature that, if you choose to let us scan your bank accounts, can try to find specific tips just for you based on your spending. Alternatively, just answer questions about your goals and habits and we'll do the same. |
How to get a free flight upgrade | And must-listen for anyone paying credit card interest (even if rejected for 0%)... A jam-packed pod that includes a 'naughty' way to earn £50 switching energy supplier and how to get an 'actual' letter from Santa this Christmas. All in the new The Martin Lewis Podcast episode - listen via BBC Sounds, Spotify, Apple Podcasts & more. Dear Govt, please don't be yankers! MSE has teamed up with Which? and Citizens Advice to try and stop the Government shelving its buy now, pay later regulation. See please don't be yankers. 'I was with a home insurer for 23yrs - then saved £268 by switching. Thanks'. Our success of the week is from Sharon, who said: "I've been with the same insurer for 23 years and renewed out of habit. But not this year - I looked at your home insurance cost-cutting info and have saved a wonderful £268. The cover is better, and we'll get a car insurance discount too. Thanks, it was so helpful." If we've helped you save (on this, or owt else), please send us your successes. Tricked into paying for £5 Wowcher 'VIP' subscription? How to get your money back. The deals site has been rapped by the competition watchdog for using dodgy tactics to flog 'em. Full info in Wowcher warning. £10 to £50 London theatre tix: 40 shows, including Frozen, Mamma Mia, Kim's Convenience. Now on sale to all, for 1 Jan to 29 Feb performances. London theatre tickets |
THIS WEEK'S POLL Have you had a free flight upgrade in the past three years? Many airlines now sell spare upgrade capacity at the desk. So are the days of trying to sweet-talk check-in staff to get a free upgrade to premium economy, business or first class long gone? We want to see how common free upgrades are, so please vote in this week's poll. Over 90% of MoneySavers who drive have breakdown insurance. In last week's poll, we asked you if you have car breakdown cover - just over 5,000 of you responded. We found that the vast majority had cover, with only 9% saying they didn't, most often citing the fact that they don't break down often enough as their primary reason for not getting it. Of those who do have breakdown cover, 85% say it costs them less than £100 a year. See the full results. |
MONEY MORAL DILEMMA Should we leave our golf club and rejoin in a year's time to get cheaper membership? My golf club offers cheaper rates to new members than to those renewing. We've approached the owners about the unfairness of this, but they didn't seem to take us seriously, so a large group of us are now all thinking of leaving, playing somewhere else for a year, then rejoining for the cheaper rates. While I don't want to damage the club, we're being penalised for our loyalty. Is walking out the right thing to do? Enter the Money Moral Maze: Should we leave our golf club and rejoin later to get cheaper membership? | Suggest a Money Moral Dilemma |
MARTIN'S APPEARANCES (WED 22 NOV ONWARDS) Wed 22 Nov - Martin Lewis - Autumn Statement, BBC Radio 5 Live, 2pm |
FLYING A HELICOPTER AND A £32 OMELETTE - WHAT'S THE LEAST MONEYSAVING THING YOU'VE DONE? That's all for this week, but before we go... we asked our social media followers to tell us about the least MoneySaving thing they've ever done. In and among all those (understandably) claiming it was getting married or having kids, there were some more unusual things. Some had coughed up for concerts, including £900 on a Taylor Swift gig in Chicago and flying to Arizona to see Black Sabbath. One aspiring pilot learned to fly a helicopter. The cost... a mere (!) £250/hr. And one hungry tourist was left with egg on their face after paying an eggs-orbitant £32 for an omelette in Switzerland. For more MoneySpending habits, and to add your own, read the full 'least MoneySaving thing you've done' Facebook and Twitter conversations. We hope you save some money, |
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